Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board
Special Executive Committee Meeting Agenda
Virtual Meeting via Zoom or Phone
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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 2:00 pm
Mr. Joshua Orozco—Chair
Mr. Michael Olguin, Jr.—Vice Chair
I. Call to Order
II. Welcome and Introductions
III. Roll Call and Abstentions
IV. **Public Comment (3-Minute Limit)
V. Approval of Agenda
VI. Consent Agenda Items (The following consent agenda items marked with an asterisk* can be voted on collectively,
unless an item is removed by a member for its individual action)
a. *Approval of the April 2, 2020 meeting summary
b. *Resolution 19 – 45 approves a Memorandum of Understanding between the Tierra del Sol Housing Corps
and the Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board, as collaborative partners within the public
workforce system
c. *Resolution 19 – 46 approves a Memorandum of Understanding between the Motivation, Education &
Training, Inc. and the Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board, as collaborative partners within the
public workforce system
VII. Discussion, Consideration and Possible Action Regarding
a. Resolution 19 – 47 approves the amendment to the Supportive Services Policy
b. Resolution 19 – 48 approves the Supplemental Data Wage Policy
c. Resolution 19 – 49 approves the Transitional Jobs Policy
d. Resolution 19 – 50 approves an amendment to Contract No. PY19-WIOA-01 between YDI and the
Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board for WIOA Youth Services, and authorizes the Board Chair or
Vice Chair to sign the contract amendment
e. Resolution 19 – 51 approves an amendment to Contract No. PY19-WIOA-02 between ResCare Workforce
Services and the Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board for WIOA Adult & Dislocated Worker
Services, and authorizes the Board Chair or Vice Chair to sign the contract amendment
VIII. Member Input
IX. Reports
X. ***Public Comment (3-Minute Limit)
XI. Adjournment
**Public comments can be emailed to before May 13, 2020 at 2:00 pm. All public
comments will be read at the meeting in the order received.
***Public comments may also be emailed during the meeting to All public comments will
be read at the meeting in the order received.