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SAWDB Membership

New Mexico Workforce Connection Southwestern Area serves seven counties:

Catron, Doña Ana, Grant, Hidalgo, Luna, Sierra, Socorro


​Sylvia Washington, Chair  (Health Care and Social Assistance, Workforce)

Jacqueline Fryar, Vice-Chair  (Retail Trade)


Cassie Arias-Ward  (Economic Development)
Mary Ann Chavez-Lopez  (Housing)

​Alisa Estrada,  (Health Care and Social Assistance)
Conor Kiely  (Mining)
Magdaleno Manzanarez  (Education and Training)

Marcos Martinez  (Wagner-Peyser, Veterans)

Michael Olguin, Jr.  (Finance and Insurance)

Joshua Orozco,  (Manufacturing)

Erik Padilla  (Vocational Rehabilitation)
Anton Salome  (Other Services-Recycling)
Debbie Schoonover  (Workforce / At-Large)
Kim Skinner  (Other Services-Automotive Service & Repair)

Marlene Thomas-Herrera  (Education and Training, Workforce)
JC Trujillo  (Health Care and Social Assistance)

Mary Ulrich  (Education and Training)

Gary Whitehead  (Other Services-Financial Planning)

Committees & Membership

*non-board members

Disabilities Committee


Alisa Estrada

​Erik Padilla, Chair

Debbie Schoonover
Marlene Thomas-Herrera

Sylvia Washington

*Susana Santillan


This committee will provide information and assist with operational and other issues relating to the provision of services to individuals with disabilities, including issues relating to compliance with section 188, if applicable, and applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) regarding providing programmatic and physical access to the services, programs, and activities of the one-stop delivery system, as well as appropriate training for staff on providing supports for or accommodations to, and finding employment opportunities for, individuals with disabilities.

Monitoring/Performance Committee


Anton Salome, Vice-Chair

Kim Skinner, Chair

Marlene Thomas-Herrera
Gary Whitehead

*Susana Santillan


The responsibility of this committee is to oversee and evaluate workforce development areas and local programs for compliance with rules and regulations to determine program success or failure. Additionally, it will review and approve state and local performance goals, review monitoring and performance reports, make recommendations for recognition, award incentive grants for program success, take corrective action, and/or impose sanctions for non-compliance or program failure. The goal of this committee is to assure the continuous improvement of State training programs.

One-Stop/Agency Coordination Committee


Cassie Arias-Ward

Mary Ann Chavez-Lopez

Jacqueline Fryar

Marcos Martinez

Erik Padilla

Mary Ulrich, Chair


This committee will facilitate the integration of all the One-Stop Workforce Connection centers in the Southwestern area. They will make efforts to minimize program duplication, facilitate coordination and communication between agencies, employers, and training providers. The committee will research and identify employment and training activities, services available, and facilitate the interaction between the government and private sector to assure they do not overlap and are effective and efficient to promote a clear strategy leading to program success.

Planning Committee


Cassie Arias-Ward

Michael Olguin, Jr.

Gary Whitehead, Chair


This committee has responsibility for reviewing and making recommendations pertaining to workforce development planning and operation. This includes reviewing state and local plans, resources for those workforce areas, and identification of education needs for services and training. The Planning Committee shall develop a four-year plan with Board approval and CEO concurrence and annually review and update said plan as necessary, as outlined in the local plan.

Policy Committee


Erik Padilla

Magdaleno Manzanárez, Chair

Sylvia Washington


This committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending local board policy to the SAWDB that supports the objectives of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The local policies provide direction to service providers, other partners within the public workforce system, and the public. The committee reviews requests for new policies, modifications, or rescissions. The committee will meet semi-annually or more frequently.

Youth & Young Adult Committee


Cassie Arias-Ward, Vice-Chair

Alisa Estrada

Anton Salome

Debbie Schoonover, Chair

Marlene Thomas-Herrera
Mary Ulrich


This committee will provide recommendations to the SAWDB on matters related the WIOA Youth program, its related policies, measures, and practices.  The committee shall also review the youth services provider’s performance reports, to include quarterly performance measures.

Executive Committee


Alisa Estrada, Chair

Joshua Orozco, Vice-Chair

Magdaleno Manzanárez

Erik Padilla

Debbie Schoonover

Kim Skinner

Mary Ulrich

Gary Whitehead


This committee has the responsibility for reviewing and coordinating the work of the other committees prior to the Chair of those committees reporting to the SAWDB.  This committee is accountable to and reports all actions taken to the Board. Any action taken by the Executive Committee must be in accordance with the Board’s mission statement and is subject to ratification by the Board.

Bylaws Committee (ad-hoc)


Mary Ann Chavez-Lopez, Chair
Alisa Estrada

Magdaleno Manzanárez

Marcos Martinez

Gary Whitehead


The ad-hoc Bylaws Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending to the SAWDB proposed changes to the bylaws. Updates to the bylaws include ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local laws and policies. The committee will meet as needed and at the call of the committee chair.

Outreach Committee (ad-hoc)


Jacqueline Fryar, Chair
Gary Whitehead, Vice-Chair


The ad-hoc Outreach Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending to the SAWDB a community outreach plan with a proposed budget that is in alignment with the four-year plan to promote workforce services within the workforce region. The committee may also work with the One-Stop Partner Committee for information and input for the development of the community outreach plan. The committee will meet as needed and at the call of the committee chair.

Administrative Entity Contact Information

Jay Armijo, SCCOG Executive Director

(575) 744-4857


Skylar Arnold, Fiscal Administrator

(575) 744-4857


Fayth Grijalva, Administrative Specialist

(575) 740-8129

Glory Juarez, WIOA Administrator

(575) 740-2992

Angela Longovia, Communications Manager

(575) 740-6484

Diana Luchini, Fiscal Clerk

(575) 744-4857

​​Krisye Shook, WIOA Program Specialist

(575) 744-4857 / (575) 740-8405

Jaymi Simms, WIOA Program Manager

(575) 744-4857 / (575) 740-8402


The South Central Council of Governments is contracted to provide

Administrative Entity services for the Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board

The South Central Council of Governments is located in Elephant Butte, NM, with a satellite office in Mesilla, NM

Mailing Address: PO Box 1072, Elephant Butte, NM 87935

Physical Address: 600 Hwy 195, Suite C, Elephant Butte, NM 87935

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