Community Resources
New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (NMDVR)
The New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation’s mission is to assist individuals with disabilities with reaching their employment goal. NM DVR can assist individuals with disabilities that are 14 or older that would like to pursue employment now or in the future. All services are individualized to the participant’s employment goal, strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, and interests.
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides paid training to low-income seniors who are 55 years of age or older. We connect seniors with local nonprofit or other community service agencies where they build work experience and confidence that will lead to regular employment.
New Mexico Workers' Compensation Administration (WCA)
The WCA provided workers & employers with mediation services & an administrative court system where cases can be heard if claims are disputed. The WCA also ensures that required employers carry worker’s compensation insurance. It provides information & assistance, free of charge, through its ombudsman program & through reports, publications, workshops & seminars. It also provides safety training & return to work assistance. The WCA administers the Uninsured Employers’ Fund, which provides monetary assistance to injured workers whose employers are illegally uninsured.
Community Action Agency (CAA)
Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico advocates for low-income individuals and families in the effort to reduce the incidence of poverty and assist them towards sustained health and self-sufficiency. As a result, communities are revitalized, families are strengthened, and health of communities are improved. CAASNM empowers and uplifts Southern New Mexicans through programs that build individuals and family strength and resilience.
Job Corps
Job Corps provides free career training and education for 16 through 24 year olds. We have over 120 campuses across the U.S. where students gain the experience needed to begin a career or apprenticeship, advance to higher education, or join the military. The best part? It’s free!
SHARE New Mexico
SHARE New Mexico manages New Mexico's largest, most up-to-date and comprehensive resource directory. ShareNM was created to help organizations, non-profits and individuals working to improve the quality of life in New Mexico. Built by and for New Mexicans, ShareNM provides convenient access to reliable data on New Mexico community health resources, social services, initiatives and counties. ShareNM also simplifies the process of offering, finding and applying for grants and funding.