Tuesday, March 26, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Las Cruces Convention Center
680 E. University Ave., Las Cruces, NM 88001
Las Cruces Public Schools Career Readiness & Student Success together with New Mexico Workforce Connection and the City of Las Cruces invite you to share your expertise in a mock interview workshop where you will help sculpt the interviewing skills of high school juniors and seniors in Las Cruces, increasing the employability skills of our future workforce.
As you are aware, interviewing can be a vital part of the employment process and we want the students to be better prepared to communicate their qualifications and interests as effectively as possible. As part of this preparation, we are providing them with an opportunity to hone their skills in a simulated interview. We need you, as the employer, to conduct mock interviews and provide feedback that will help improve their presentation. Students will be interviewed by professionals from the industry of their choice based on a career pathway assessment. This invaluable opportunity will help students prepare for the real world and get them job-ready upon graduation. For some, this experience may result in a summer job.
This Mock It Till You Rock It! event will take place on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with 30-minute time slots for each mock interview. Within each time slot, a student will be interviewed, the interviewer will provide feedback to the student, and after the session is completed, each interviewer will have an evaluation form to complete and submit.
***The City of Las Cruces will sponsor lunch for all volunteer interviewers***
Registration has closed.
After submitting an online registration form, all registrants will receive a confirmation email with additional information and a link to download an Interviewer Packet. The packet contains the Interview Questions and Feedback Form.
For more information, email Rachel Knight at RaKnight@lcps.net
Your participation is greatly appreciated, and we thank you for your consideration.