Every 3 years, the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board seeks community input to inform funding for programs that prevent initial and ongoing involvement with juvenile justice for youth in New Mexico.
The 2023 survey is now open!
Please consider taking the survey yourself, sending it to your staff and partner organizations, and distributing to clients and clients’ families. The survey is anonymous, unless the participant opts to send us contact information to participate in focus groups this fall.
We are looking for feedback from the following:
- Youth
- Parents
- Youth Service Providers, Social Workers, and Probation Officers
- Medical and Behavioral Health Care Providers
- Educators and School Administrators
- Law Enforcement Officers
- Judges, Attorneys, and Court Officials
- Elected Officials
Individuals can participate by
1) completing the survey using this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JJACSurvey23
2) scanning the QR code on the below flyer
3) completing a paper version and emailing it to jessicar.reno@cyfd.nm.gov. The English and Spanish translations are included in the survey.
Click flyer image to download a PDF
Click survey image to download PDF